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DSAV334A V系列示波器

33 GHz 模擬帶寬
4 個模擬通道
高達 80 GSa/s 的采樣率和 2 Gpts 采集存儲器可以提供更完整的信號跡線捕獲
更低的本底噪聲(50 mV/格時為 2.09 mVrms)和測量本底抖動(100 fs)可以實現出色的信號完整性
超過 5.5 的有效位數(ENOB)和超過 50 dBc 的無雜散動態范圍(SFDR)能夠確保卓越的測量精度
廣泛的抖動、觸發、分析和協議工具(包括 Precision Probe)可以改善您的測試


帶寬 33 GHz
通道數 4
最大存儲器深度 2 Gpts
80 GSa/s (2-channels), 40 GSa/s (4-channels)

ADC 位數 8 bits
13.3 ps (10-90%), 9.4 (20-80%)

硬件串行觸發  是



Additional Memory
DSOV000-100 Includes 100 Mpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-200 Includes 200 Mpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-500 Includes 500 Mpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-01G Includes 1 Gpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-02G Includes 2 Gpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-800 Standard Removable SSD drive for V-Series - 500 GB
DSOV000-801 Upgrade - Removable SSD drive for V-Series - 1TB
Serial Trigger
DSOV000-809 Standard Model without Serial Trigger Hardware
DSOV000-810 12 Gbps hardware serial trigger
Peripheral Connection
DSOV000-805 GPIB Card-Interface - installed
Calibration Documentation
DSOV000-A6J ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
DSOV000-AMG Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Accredited)
DSAV000-01G Includes 1 Gpts/CH Memory
DSAV000-02G Includes 2 Gpts/CH Memory
DSAV000-200 Includes 200 Mpts/CH Memory
DSAV000-500 Includes 500 Mpts/CH Memory
DSOV000-808 Performance verification and deskew fixture
Software, Protocol Applications
N8851A-1FP 100GBASE-KR/CR 64b/66b and Link Training Decoder, fixed perpetual license
N8851A-1TP 100GBASE-KR/CR 64b/66b and Link Training Decoder, transportable perpetual license
Software, Compliance Applications
N5392B-1NL Energy Efficient Ethernet Compliance Application, node locked license
N5392B-2NL Energy Efficient Ethernet compliance application upgrade, node locked license
N5392B-3NL Ethernet compliance application only, node locked license
N5392B-1FP Energy Efficient Ethernet Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N5392B-1TP Energy Efficient Ethernet Compliance Application, transportable perpetual license
N5392B-2FP Energy Efficient Ethernet compliance application upgrade, fixed perpetual license
N5392B-3FP Ethernet compliance application only, fixed perpetual license
N5392B-3TP Ethernet compliance application only, transportable perpetual license
N5413B-1NL DDR2 and LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, node locked license
N5413B-2NL Upgrade to LPDDR2 Compliance Software, node locked license
N5413B-3NL DDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Tool, node locked license
N5413B-1FP DDR2 and LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, fixed perpetual license
N5413B-1TP DDR2 and LPDDR2 Compliance Test Application, transportable perpetual license
N5413B-2FP Upgrade to LPDDR2 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
N5413B-3FP DDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
N5413B-3TP DDR2 and LPDDR2 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
N5416A-1NL USB 2.0 Compliance Software, node locked license
N5416A-1FP USB 2.0 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
N5416A-1TP USB 2.0 Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
N5431A-1NL XAUI compliance application, node locked license
N5431A-1FP XAUI compliance application, fixed perpetual license
N5431A-1TP XAUI compliance application, transportable perpetual license
N6462A-1NL DDR4 and LPDDR4 compliance test software application, node locked license
N6462A-3NL DDR4 Debug Tool, node locked license
N6462A-1FP DDR4 and LPDDR4 compliance test software application, fixed perpetual license
N6462A-1TP DDR4 and LPDDR4 compliance test software application, transportable perpetual license
N6462A-3FP DDR4 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
N6462A-3TP DDR4 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
N6462A-2FP Upgrade to LPDDR4 compliance software, fixed perpetual license
N6462A-2TP Upgrade to LPDDR4 compliance software, transportable perpetual license
N6462A-4FP LPDDR4 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
N6462A-4TP LPDDR4 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
N6462A-5FP LP/DDR4 Compliance Software Data Analytics Web Service, fixed perpetual license
N6462A-5TP LP/DDR4 Compliance Software Data Analytics Web Service, transportable perpetual license
N6466A-1NL MOST Compliance Application, node locked license
N6466A-1FP MOST Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N6466A-1TP MOST Compliance Application, transportable perpetual license
N6468A-1NL SFP+ compliance application, node locked license
N6468A-1FP SFP+ compliance application, fixed perpetual license
N6468A-1TP SFP+ compliance application, transportable perpetual license
N6469A-1TP Electrical Performance Validation compliance application eDP 1.4, transportable perpetual license
N6469A-1FP Electrical Performance Validation compliance application eDP 1.4, fixed perpetual license
N8814B-1NL Ethernet KR compliance application, node locked license
N8814B-1FP Ethernet KR compliance application, fixed perpetual license
N8814B-1TP Ethernet KR compliance application, transportable perpetual license
N8828A-1FP 40GBASE-CR4 and 100GBASE-CR10 compliance application, fixed perpetual license
N8828A-1TP 40GBASE-CR4 and 100GBASE-CR10 compliance application, transportable perpetual license
N8829A-1FP 100GBASE-KR4 compliance application, fixed perpetual license
N8829A-1TP 100GBASE-KR4 compliance application, transportable perpetual license
N8830A-1FP 100GBASE-CR4 compliance application, fixed perpetual license
N8830A-1TP 100GBASE-CR4 compliance application, transportable perpetual license
U7231B-1NL DDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, node locked license
U7231B-2NL Upgrade to DDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, node locked license
U7231B-3NL DDR3 and LPDDR3 Debug Tool, node locked license
U7231B-1FP DDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7231B-1TP DDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7231B-2FP Upgrade to DDR3 and LPDDR3 Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7231B-3FP DDR3 and LPDDR3 Debug Tool, fixed perpetual license
U7231B-3TP DDR3 and LPDDR3 Debug Tool, transportable perpetual license
U7236A-1NL 10GBASE-T Compliance Software, node locked license
U7236A-1FP 10GBASE-T Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236A-1TP 10GBASE-T Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236A-3FP MGBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236A-3TP MGBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236A-4FP MGBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236A-4TP MGBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236A-5FP NBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236A-5TP NBASE-T 5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7236A-6FP NBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7236A-6TP NBASE-T 2.5G Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7250A-1FP MIPI C-PHY Compliance, fixed perpetual license
U7250A-1TP MIPI C-PHY Compliance, transportable perpetual license
N5393F-1FP PCIe 4.0 (2.5G, 5G, 8G, 16G) Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N5393F-1TP PCIe 4.0 (2.5G, 5G, 8G, 16G) Compliance Application, transportable perpetual license
N5393F-2FP PCIe Compliance 4.0 Upgrade from N5393D (2.5G, 5G, 8G, 16G), fixed perpetual license
N5393F-3FP PCIe 3.x (2.5G, 5G, 8G) Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N5393F-3TP PCIe 3.x (2.5G, 5G, 8G) Compliance Application, transportable perpetual license
U7238E-1FP MIPI D-PHY 2.0 Compliance Test Software, fixed perpetual license
U7238E-1TP MIPI D-PHY 2.0 Compliance Test Software, transportable perpetual license
U7238E-2FP MIPI D-PHY 2.0 Compliance upgrade from U7238C/D, fixed perpetual license
N5412E-1FP SAS-4 compliance test, fixed perpetual license
N5412E-1TP SAS-4 compliance test, transportable perpetual license
N5412E-2FP Upgrade to SAS-4 compliance test, fixed perpetual license
N5412E-3FP SAS-3 compliance test, fixed perpetual license
N5412E-3TP SAS-3 compliance test, transportable perpetual license
U7249E-1FP MIPI M-PHY 4.1 Compliance Test Software, fixed perpetual license
U7249E-1TP MIPI M-PHY 4.1 Compliance Test Software, transportable perpetual license
U7249E-2FP MIPI M-PHY 4.1 Compliance upgrade from U7249C/D, fixed perpetual license
N6470B-1FP Thunderbolt 3 Transmitter Compliance, fixed perpetual license
N6470B-1TP Thunderbolt 3 Transmitter Compliance, transportable perpetual license
U7232E-1FP DisplayPort Electrical Performance Validation and Compliance, fixed perpetual license
U7232E-1TP DisplayPort Electrical Performance Validation and Compliance, transportable perpetual license
U7243C-1FP USB 3.1: 5 Gbps and 10 Gbps Transmitter Compliance, fixed perpetual license
U7243C-1TP USB 3.1: 5 Gbps and 10 Gbps Transmitter Compliance, transportable perpetual license
U7243C-3FP USB 3.1: 5 Gbps only Transmitter Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
U7243C-3TP USB 3.1: 5 Gbps only Transmitter Compliance Software, transportable perpetual license
U7243C-2FP USB 3.1: Upgrade 5 Gbps to 10 Gbps TX Compliance Software, fixed perpetual license
N6472A-1TP IEEE802.3bs/cd Compliance Application, transportable perpetual license
N6472A-2FP Upgrade IEEE802.3bs/cd Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N6472A-1FP IEEE802.3bs/cd Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N6473A-1FP OIF-CEI 4.0 Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N6473A-1TP OIF-CEI 4.0 Compliance Application, transportable perpetual license
N6473A-2FP Upgrade OIF-CEI 4.0 Compliance Application, fixed perpetual license
N6474A-1FP ONFI Compliance Test, fixed perpetual license
N6474A-1TP ONFI Compliance Test, transportable perpetual license
N6475A-1FP DDR5 Tx Compliance Test Software, fixed perpetual license
N6475A-1TP DDR5 Tx Compliance Test Software, transportable perpetual license
N5399E-1FP HDMI FRL and TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, fixed perpetual license
N5399E-1TP HDMI FRL and TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, transportable perpetual license
N5399E-2FP Upgrade to HDMI FRL and TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, fixed perpetual license
N5399E-3FP HDMI TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, fixed perpetual license
N5399E-3TP HDMI TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, transportable perpetual license
N5399E-4FP Upgrade to HDMI TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, fixed perpetual license
N5399E-5FP HDMI 1.4 TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, fixed perpetual license
N5399E-5TP HDMI 1.4 TMDS transmitter electrical compliance and validation software, transportable perpetual license








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